Barred Owl Owlet

Barred Owl Owlet

A Barred Owl pair with two fledged owlets has been seen regularly from the boardwalk at Beidler Forest. We spotted just this one youngster taking short flights in the limbs above us.

Barred Owl Owlet
Barred Owl Owlet

The owlet was curious about the humans passing on the boardwalk below him, not bothered by our presence. A school group of about twenty-five kids and chaperones had just passed and a few of their stragglers stopped with us to watch the chick.

Barred Owl Owlet
Barred Owl Owlet staring down

8 thoughts on “Barred Owl Owlet”

  1. Ellen, it’d be nice to feature your photos in one of my Five Eyes posts if that would be fine by you. This peeping owl would be great plus another four. Won’t be for a while as I’m going to be featuring Zoomology next. Your sphere is completely different to theirs so would follow on nicely 🙂

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