White-tailed Deer Fawn

Deer Fawn

Tucked into the roots of a Cypress Tree this new born fawn was hunkered down, surrounded by water.

White-tailed Deer Fawn

I’m not sure how he got there; it would have been interesting to watch and know what was on the mother’s mind.

White-tailed Deer Fawn

A few hundred feet away was a watchful pair of eyes and listening ears. This one seemed way to small to be the mother, perhaps it was an older cousin.

White-tailed Deer

8 thoughts on “Deer Fawn”

  1. Peter Hillman – Staffordshire, England – I have always had a love for nature and the countryside, and I enjoy photography. I have a particular passion for nature photography, and as a hobby I enjoy capturing moments in time which nature presents to me. I find beauty, wonder, peace and liberation from the modern way of life with its fast pace and stresses by being close to nature. It has a way of soothing the spirit, and calming the soul. All aspects of nature always awaken my curiosity, and never fail to excite and inspire me. All it takes are a few moments to simply stop, have a look around, listen and open up the senses to discover some of the interesting and fascinating wonders of nature. It is a hope that these pages will help in identifying some of these wonders and to further knowledge in these discoveries. It is also a hope to instill appreciation and conservation in the varied habitats and species which rely on them for future generations to enjoy and be inspired by.
    Pete Hillman says:

    These are so beautiful, Ellen! That top image should be in line for a photographic award, it is so fine!

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