Great Blue Heron checking the next level

Great Blue Heron in the Skinny Tree

I’ve featured GBH antics in the “skinny tree” previous nesting years. These images were taken in late December, on a grey day, as a Great Blue was staking a claim to this coveted nesting spot. The tree is free standing in the pond, reducing the likelihood of predators arriving from below.

First order of business is to attract a mate.

Great Blue Heron Mating Call
Great Blue Heron Mating Call

None of the nesting material from last year survived and more of the tree has broken away. This adult and the selected mate will have a lot of work to make a viable nest.

Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron

In the last image the heron is performing a downward stretching and beak snapping behavior. There were a few other GBH around the pond, some working on nests in trees on the small islands, but none seemed impressed by this show.

Great Blue Heron checking the next level
Great Blue Heron checking the next level

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