Summer Tanager

Male Summer Tanager

Yesterday I spent some time in a quiet corner of Magnolia Plantation where pine forest and marshland come together. There is a small field that is kept mowed around a few scraggly trees, perfect for a Summer Tanager to hunt for bugs.

Summer Tanager
Male Summer Tanager

I watched this one flit back and forth in the higher tree branches until he took a break down closer to the ground.

Summer Tanager
Male Summer Tanager

10 thoughts on “Male Summer Tanager”

  1. Probably the most elusive bird in my “life book”.
    I’m always seeing a flash of red disappearing into the brush, and I’m left saying “Was that a Tanager?”
    Glad to finally see one up close.
    It will help me with the I.D.
    If I ever see one!


    1. I was quite surprised he sat right there, Paz. I had watched him flit around in the tree tops, also not quite sure what it was at first. There are a lot of Cardinals in that area, which while a neat bird it was cool to get something different. While you are looking remember the female is duller but you may see her first.

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