American White Pelican Landing

American White Pelican Coming In

American White Pelicans have a nine foot (2.75 Meter) wingspan. They are surprisingly graceful and I watched many of them fly over a pond and land on a sand bar. Evidently only I was impressed; the other occupants of the sand bar never even looked up.

American White Pelican Landing
American White Pelican Landing

As he turned you can get a feel for how large these birds are in comparison to the Ring-billed Gulls,

American White Pelican Landing
American White Pelican Landing

and the Cormorants standing around.

American White Pelican Landing
American White Pelican Landing

Once they hit land they tended to strut along a bit, quickly blending in with the rest of the gathering.

American White Pelican Landing
American White Pelican Landing

Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge
December 24, 2019

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