Great Blue Heron Pair

Great Blue Herons, Nesting

You may recognize the “skinny tree” as this GBH pair’s selected nesting spot. From a heron’s point of view it is a good location, surrounded by water.

Great Blue Heron Pair
Great Blue Heron Pair

They were starting from nothing as last year’s nest on this tree didn’t survive intervening storms.

Great Blue Heron Pair
Great Blue Heron Pair

The male had just brought a long stick, they mated, and then they took turns moving the stick around, so much so that I expected it to end up in the water below.

Great Blue Heron Pair
Great Blue Heron Pair

Despite their affectionate display I don’t think this pairing took. The male left and picked at some sticks across the pond but did not return. Eventually the female left, too. Sometimes they just leave to eat but don’t like to leave a started nest for interlopers so a committed couple takes turns. The next day six White Ibis were sunbathing here.

Great Blue Heron Pair
Great Blue Heron Pair

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