Ribbon Snake on Log

Ribbon Snake

Let me start with, I’m not a fan. However, there he was laying in the sun, on a log over the water. No way he would bother me, plus I was pretty sure he’s a harmless variety.

Ribbon Snake on Log
Ribbon Snake on Log

He moved, but not very far to have peek closer to the water.

Ribbon Snake on Log
Ribbon Snake on Log

I wandered along the path and when I came back he had doubled back, and seemed content to stay right there.

Ribbon Snake on Log
Ribbon Snake on Log

10 thoughts on “Ribbon Snake”

    1. Thanks, Pete! I was quite surprised to see him out in the open like that with all the predators around, usually they blend in better. He may well have been someone’s lunch by now. I’ve learned a few, and consider them all to be watched very carefully!

      1. Congratulation on your first dragonfly shots of the season. I am a little jealous. It was 75 degrees and sunny today and I went looking for them, but came up empty-handed. The first one generally don’t appear until mid-April for us, but this has been an unusually warm winter, so I keep hoping they will emerge early.

      2. Thanks, Mike, I was really surprised although I can’t say for sure when I’ve first seen them other years. You’ll be out there with them soon, forsaking the birds 🙂 .

  1. Wow! You captured a snake beautifully! Very pretty pictures. You guys encounter all kinds of wildlife out there! Ever had any close calls?

    1. Thanks, Sandra. Yes, we are fortunate to have variety. Not really close, but a couple of times I’ve had a large gator cross my path and stop. Usually they want away from humans more than the other way around.

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