Male Painted Bunting

Male Painted Bunting, Two Views

I think these two views of a Male Painted Bunting are two different birds. Both paused in the sun on some pretty grasses.

Male Painted Bunting

I was surprised to see one land near me and then a second one landed very close to the first, alas not to be captured together.

Male Painted Bunting

7 thoughts on “Male Painted Bunting, Two Views”

  1. Those are spectacular birds–the colors are simply amazing. Nice job in capturing those images so clearly in an environment where there are lots of other things competing for your camera’s focus, especially the other vegetation.

  2. Peter Hillman – Staffordshire, England – I have always had a love for nature and the countryside, and I enjoy photography. I have a particular passion for nature photography, and as a hobby I enjoy capturing moments in time which nature presents to me. I find beauty, wonder, peace and liberation from the modern way of life with its fast pace and stresses by being close to nature. It has a way of soothing the spirit, and calming the soul. All aspects of nature always awaken my curiosity, and never fail to excite and inspire me. All it takes are a few moments to simply stop, have a look around, listen and open up the senses to discover some of the interesting and fascinating wonders of nature. It is a hope that these pages will help in identifying some of these wonders and to further knowledge in these discoveries. It is also a hope to instill appreciation and conservation in the varied habitats and species which rely on them for future generations to enjoy and be inspired by.
    Peter Hillman says:

    This is one stunning multi-coloured bird, Ellen! Lovely photos!

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