Tern Flying with Fish

Flying By With Lunch

Gulls and terns were snagging lunch out of the pond and flying off to eat it on a recent gorgeous blue-skyed day.

Tern Flying with Fish
Common Tern Flying with Fish

The gulls will try to steal another bird’s catch so a successful hunter will quickly move on to a safer spot to eat.

Tern Flying with Fish
Tern Flying with Fish

Most of the catching was on the other side of the pond, swooping away from me.

Tern Catching Fish
Tern Catching Fish

This tern opted to fly low with his catch.

Common Tern Flying with Fish
Common Tern Flying with Fish

While a gull took off higher before disappearing over the marsh.

Gull Flying with Fish
Laughing Gull Flying with Fish

August 4, 2020

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