Alligators and Yellow-bellied Sliders

Pile O’Reptiles: Turtles and Alligators

This spot is a favorite for alligators and turtles, and at certain times of the year the light is perfect for reflections. I see parts of four Alligators and two Turtles, one facing the camera and one away, tucked under the left most Alligator.

Alligators and Yellow-bellied Sliders
Alligators and Yellow-bellied Sliders

I was focusing on the draped Alligator arm and didn’t see the turtle peeking up over the top until I was processing my photos.

Alligators and Yellow-bellied Sliders
Alligators and Yellow-bellied Sliders

The last photo was taken about 90 minutes later, the sun had just gone down so not much light. There hadn’t been much movement in the pile.

Alligators and Yellow-bellied Sliders
Alligators and Yellow-bellied Sliders

Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, Charleston, SC
December 12, 2022

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