Tag Archives: Cashmere Goat

Cashmere Goat, Closeups

The Cashmere Goat pair were having a nap at the Middleton Place stable yard when I walked by. One wasn’t interest in Ted and I having a look but this one’s curiosity got the best of him. He turned towards me showing off his silky goatee.

Cashmere Goat
Cashmere Goat

I only had my Tamron 180mm lens with me so I only got close up shots.

Cashmere Goat
Cashmere Goat

I backed way up to get this shot of the goat watching over the fence as one of the farm workers went by with some hay for the chicken coop–that he was very interested in.

Cashmere Goat
Cashmere Goat

Middleton Place Heritage Stable Yard, Charleston, SC
September 23, 2023

Cashmere Goat Escapades

Three years ago I posted about Middleton Place’s new  pair of Cashmere Goats in their Heritage Stable yard and how the goats like to climb on things.

Turns out they like to head-butt things, too. Like the gate to their enclosure and then to make unauthorized excursions. Yesterday morning when staff arrived the goats had broken into the sheep pen.

The goats were moved into an empty pasture area while repairs were conducted and when I passed by the goats seemed a bit lost in this great big space that sometimes has a few horses in it.

Cashmere Goats
Cashmere Goats

I have heard the clunk of their horns when they tussle and can easily see how this pair could use their heads to break down about anything.

Cashmere Goats
Cashmere Goats

Staff had started afternoon feedings at the other end of the barn yard and I’m sure they knew their turn was coming.

But wait, we’re not where we get fed!

Cashmere Goats
Cashmere Goats

The goats were led back to their pen a few minutes later, where their dinner awaited them.

Cashmere Goats
Cashmere Goats

Middleton Place, Charleston, SC
March 3, 2023

Cashmere Goat, Dinner Time

I stopped by the Middleton Place stable yard just as the Cashmere Goats were having their dinner.

Cashmere Goat, Feeding
Cashmere Goat, Feeding

One of the pair was plopped in the middle of their manger, hogging the hay and  taking advantage of a padded eating spot.

Cashmere Goat, Feeding
Cashmere Goat, Feeding

The standing goat went for a drink then shared his take on the situation.

Cashmere Goat
Cashmere Goat

Middleton Place Heritage Stable yard
April 5, 2021