Tag Archives: Jonquil

Winter Flowers

We’ve just passed the Winter Solstice, when the length of daylight here in South Carolina had just dipped below ten hours. I’m always happy when we make that turn, now adding less than a minute a day, but I’ll take it. I spotted these flowers over the weekend, boldly responding to their daylight requirements.

Pink Camelia
Pink Camelia
White Jonquil
White Jonquil
Yellow Jonquil
Yellow Jonquil

December 24, 2023

January Jonquils

Now in my seventh January in South Carolina I remain delighted by the winter blooming jonquils that pop up in unexpected places. In New England these would be a sure sign that spring was right around the corner. Here, winter, although shorter, is just getting started.

White Jonquil
White Jonquil

Most of the ones I’ve seen this year are yellow.

Yellow Jonquil
Yellow Jonquil

These were along the heavily wooded “nature train road” at Magnolia Plantation.

Yellow Jonquil
Yellow Jonquil

Early afternoon last week some dappled sun was reaching the blooms.

Yellow Jonquil
Yellow Jonquil