Bird Key Stono Heritage Preserve

Bird Chaos at Bird Key

Hundreds of birds nested on Bird Key this summer and the land and sky were full of activity on this July day.

Bird Key Stono Heritage Preserve
Bird Key Stono Heritage Preserve

Most of the birds on land seen here are Brown Pelicans, the smaller white ones are chicks. The chicks were awkwardly walking, but not yet flying.  There were lots of Laughing Gulls that provided constant noise, and a few White Ibis mixed in.

Bird Key Stono Heritage Preserve
Bird Key Stono Heritage Preserve

On the outer edge of the island, the open Atlantic Ocean beyond, a sand bar has formed that was popular spot for preening.

Bird Key Stono Heritage Preserve
Bird Key Stono Heritage Preserve

Taken from a boat at Bird Key Stono Heritage Preserve
Between Kiawah Island and Folly Beach, SC

July 12, 2021

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