Young Little Blue Heron

Juvenile Herons Hanging Around

Breeding season is over but a few of this year’s young are still hanging around the rookery. I saw this young Great Blue Heron displaying the classic GBH patience. He was staring at the water when I went by, and twenty minutes later when I returned he was in the same spot.

Young Great Blue Heron
Young Great Blue Heron

Little Blue Herons are born white  then slowly transition to all blue in their second year. This youngster took a spot surveying the pond, looking a little unsure of what to do next. Some of the LBH adults are still in the area, but no longer supply food.

Young Little Blue Heron
Young Little Blue Heron

2 thoughts on “Juvenile Herons Hanging Around”

    1. An interesting part of the yearly cycle as they learn to be on their own!
      The pond that hosts our favorite rookery near where I took these has become clogged with vegetation this summer and many of the juvi birds have been feeding there. It’s not good for the long-term viability of the pond but seems to be giving this year’s brood a boost, or at least a reason to stay local. I’m hopeful the owners will be doing something about it before the Great Blues come back to nest.

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