9 thoughts on “Roseate Spoonbill Walking Along”

    1. I think they just ignore them, Rudi, and don’t see them as any kind of threat. We of course tend to hold our breath, thinking something dramatic is going to happen. And yes, I’ve seen Alligators take a wading bird, but not very often.

    1. The alligators rarely make any threatening moves toward a wading bird so I don’t think they perceive any danger. In shallow water like that it would be hard for the alligator to actually catch a Spoonbill.

      Twice I’ve seen alligators jump out of deeper water, unsuccessfully snapping at a Great Blue Heron. Once the GBH was flying over and the other time the heron was actively hunting. Both times I suspected there were juvenile alligators that the adult alligator was protecting.

      A couple other times I’ve seen an alligator catch and eat a wading bird, once a Great Egret and once an Anhinga.

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