Brown Pelican Chicks

Brown Pelican Chicks, Ground Nests

Some of the Pelicans were nesting at the base of Castle Pinkney. The fallen bricks weren’t a deterrent.

Brown Pelican Chicks
Brown Pelican Chicks

On another side of the castle the remnants of a pier had been reinforced with stone, also not a deterrent to the nesting birds.

Brown Pelican Chicks
Brown Pelican Chicks, A Snowy Egret chick to the left of the center post

A few other birds, including some Snowy Egrets were also using this rookery.

Brown Pelican Chicks
Brown Pelican Chicks, Snowy Egret flying By

The chick in the center of this image has started to change color from the all white at hatching to brown.

Brown Pelican Chicks
Brown Pelican Chicks

Another view near the pilings.

Brown Pelican Chicks
Brown Pelican Chicks

Baby Pelican Cruise with Coastal Expeditions, leaving from Daniel Island on the Wando River side down to Charleston Harbor and the New Crab Bank just off Shem Creek.

Other posts from this adventure 

Charleston Harbor, SC
June 23, 2023

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