Brown Pelican Chick Under Adult

Brown Pelican Chicks, Ground Nests 2

Another few Brown Pelican chick pictures… I’ve run out of things to say about them other than they are so interesting to see and I’m rooting for their survival.

Brown Pelican Chicks
Brown Pelican Chicks
Brown Pelican Chicks
Brown Pelicans and Chicks
Brown Pelican Chicks
Brown Pelican Chicks

The chicks need to be protected from the sun so the adults take turns providing shade. The darker brown on this adult’s neck is part of their breeding stage look.

Brown Pelican Chick Under Adult
Brown Pelican Chick Under Adult

Baby Pelican Cruise with Coastal Expeditions, leaving from Daniel Island on the Wando River side down to Charleston Harbor and the New Crab Bank just off Shem Creek.

Other posts from this adventure 

Charleston Harbor, SC
June 23, 2023

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