Ornamental Apricot Tree Blossoms

Pink In Winter

One of the joys of living in the South Carolina lowcountry is the winter bloom of so many plants. The Ornamental Apricot is a marvel of pink on January days.

Ornamental Apricot Tree Blossoms
Ornamental Apricot Tree Blossoms

Spanish Moss was draped all over for an additional plus.

Ornamental Apricot Tree Blossoms
Ornamental Apricot Tree Blossoms

Crepe Myrtle trunks crisscross behind the Apricot tree.

Ornamental Apricot Tree Blossoms
Ornamental Apricot Tree Blossoms

Many of the specimens at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens are huge, and likely have been here for decades if not longer.

Ornamental Apricot Tree Blossoms
Ornamental Apricot Tree Blossoms

Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, Charleston, SC
January 12, 2024

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