Tag Archives: Dragonfly

Late Season Dragonfly

I’m still occasionally seeing dragonflies, capturing these on Sunday as he investigated a manicured shrub hedge.


Look closely through his wing below and you’ll spot another thorn pointing away from his body.


An un-obscured head shot proved elusive and the direction of his position may have been due to the stiff breeze we had that day. These were taken in an area that is often overrun with mosquitoes so I was happy to have the air movement.


Magnolia Cemetery, Charleston, SC 11/04/2018


It’s always interesting to note the objects dragonflies choose to land on. When available they often select stationery man-made objects over natural options. Could it be they prefer not to bounce in the breeze while on a reed or limb? This one certainly had an unobstructed view of any potential prey.

Dragonfly on Rusty Fence
Dragonfly on Rusty Fence

This pole is part of a rusting fence that is around a plot at Magnolia Cemetery.

Dragonfly: Changing Background

I was able to get a variety of images of this posing Dragonfly by shifting myself to the left and right and up and down a bit, changing the background.

Dragonfly on Stick
Dragonfly on Stick

The red color was created by Mosquito Fern growing on the pond surface behind the Dragonfly and the green was created by Duck Weed.

Dragonfly on Stick
Dragonfly on Stick

The Dragonfly was very obliging and struck a classic pose on a dead thorny branch almost at my eye level.

Dragonfly on Stick
Dragonfly on Stick

Tattered Dragonflies

Missing part of a wing didn’t slow this Dragonfly down one bit. He performed the usual lift off, turn and resettle routine on this stick at the edge of a pond-side dike several times.

Dragonfly on Stick
Dragonfly with wingtip missing on stick

A little further along the dike I spotted another Dragonfly with a wing tear. These insects are so delicate it is easy to imagine scenarios that would leave them damaged.

Dragonfly on Stick
Dragonfly with wing tear on stick

Orange Dragonfly

A number of dragonflies were zipping back and forth along the tall reads at the edge of a canal bordering old rice fields. This one stood out from the others with a reddish-orange body and wings.


He stopped on a number of stalks quite near the trail I was walking on.


There was a good supply of smaller insects to keep him well fed, although I didn’t see him catch any.


Back Yard Dragonfly

In recent years the dragonflies in our backyard have been nondescript, plain black models, at least as much as I had noticed. This past week we have had a steady procession of dragonflies of different sizes and colors zipping around the yard.

Dragon Fly on Crepe Myrtle Seedpod
Dragonfly on Crepe Myrtle Seedpod

This one worked on some poses on a dried Crepe Myrtle seedpod.

Dragonfly on Crepe Myrtle Seedpod
Dragonfly on Crepe Myrtle Seedpod

Blue Dragonfly

Correction: I had identified this as a Blue Dasher Dragonfly.  See fellow blogger Mike Powell’s comment below about the ID as a Eastern Pondhawk and its ground behavior. Thanks Mike!

I am seeing dragonflies in all sorts of colors on our treks and even in our back yard. This one was on a berm near a small pond.

Blue Dasher Dragonfly
Blue Dragonfly

It surprised me he was more interested in the dry leaves and pine needles than in hanging out over the water.

Blue Dasher Dragonfly
Blue Dragonfly