Tag Archives: Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly

Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly And Prey

An Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly perched on a leaf with a potential Mayfly snack on the underside.

Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly

A few minutes before I had watched another one of these damselflies chase a Mayfly. They both exhibited serious flying skills and that time the Mayfly prevailed. Here, I wondered if the damselfly knew the Mayfly was there.

Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly

Francis Beidler Forest, SC
April 7, 2023

Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly, Open And Shut

If you wait long enough an Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly will open and close its wings.

Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly

Their outsized heads tend to make nice shadows in the right light.

Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly

Wings closed is their most common position when I have seen them.

Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly

They do chose some interesting leaves to land on, including this poison ivy.

Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly

Francis Beidler Forest, SC
March 31, 2023

Cottonmouth Snake with Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly

I’m not much on snakes–I do photograph them on occasion but don’t often post them. This one was sunning just off the boardwalk; Ted had identified him as poisonous.

Cottonmouth Snake with Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly
Cottonmouth Snake with Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly

Unfortunately I didn’t see the Damselfly until looking at the pictures on my computer.

Cottonmouth Snake with Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly
Cottonmouth Snake with Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly

If I had, we’d be looking at a closeup of the insect on those interesting scales…

Cottonmouth Snake with Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly
Cottonmouth Snake with Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly

instead of just a blip of blue on the snake.

Cottonmouth Snake with Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly
Cottonmouth Snake with Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly, Cypress Knee Blocking the View

Francis Beidler Forest, SC
July 9, 2022

Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly

The Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly is a stunning insect. I’ve taken poor photographs of them each of the last three years at Beidler Forest and finally this year captured one at eye level and another in a spot of sun.

Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly

Access to this area is only from a boardwalk so there is not much you can do to change your angle.

Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly – wings closed

The second one stayed put on this leaf, opening and closing his wings for a few seconds, creating a nice shadow on the leaf.

Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly – wings open