Tag Archives: Frog

Frog in Rotten Tree

Sprinkled with bits of the crumbling trunk this little frog was hanging onto a perch in the curve of a rotting tree.

Frog in Rotten Tree
Frog in Rotten Tree

I was expecting him to jump as soon as I spotted him, but there he sat watching the world go by.

Frog in Rotten Tree
Frog in Rotten Tree

Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, Charleston, SC
May 12, 2024

Two Frogs

I hardly ever see frogs out in the swamps. Occasionally I hear a splash that seems like it could be a frog, but couldn’t swear to it.

Friday I saw two! This first one was perched on a tree stump.

Frog in Stump
Frog in Stump

And this fellow was all about the green: mustache, moss, and umbrella foliage.

Frog on Moss
Frog on Moss

Francis Beidler Forest, SC
April 14, 2023

Big Frog–Is It Real

I wasn’t sure… I’d photographed around this statue before, mostly flowers and insects…could I have missed a frog as part of the installation?

Frog in Statue Pond
Frog in Statue Pond

I walked around this little pond several times…

Frog in Statue Pond
Frog in Statue Pond

…the frog never moved. The frog was not there when I went back yesterday to see the azaleas, so he must have been the real deal.

Frog in Statue Pond
Frog in Statue Pond

With only a 100mm lens with me I couldn’t get far enough away to get an image of the whole pond.

Heron Statue Pond
Heron Statue Pond

Middleton Place, Charleston, SC
February 15, 2023

Swamp Frog

I hear frogs croaking and splashing into the water ahead of me, but rarely see them around the swamp. This fellow caught my attention with a small croak, and then was perfectly still.

Frog at the Swamp
Frog at the Swamp

Sitting on a fallen Powdery Alligator-flag leaf, he blended into the wet leaves pretty well and it took me a minute to spot him.

Frog at the Swamp
Frog at the Swamp

Frog, Big

I haven’t seen many frogs around the various ponds I visit. Usually I just hear the splash as they disappear. I heard this one and his pals in a croaking chorus long before I got to the pond. I finally spotted him near the edge of the water. At least two others were answering in the deeper reeds.

He was huge! Bigger than my hand.

Big Frog at Edge of Pond
Big Frog at Edge of Pond

This is a bit further out in the pond, which is the same pond that the Barred Owls hunt around. The frogs might live longer if they didn’t announce themselves with such enthusiasm.

Cypress Knees and Reflections in Pond
Cypress Knees and Reflections in Pond