Tag Archives: Lamb

Three Lambs, 2023

As I was reviewing my trips to Middleton Place when I was mentioning lambs in yesterday’s post I couldn’t find that I had ever published this year’s offspring. So here are some pictures from May of the three lambs at about a month old.


The black lamb stayed close to mama.

Black Lamb with Mother
Black Lamb with Mother

Curious and incredibly cute.


Finally the three lambs lined up, sort of.

Lambs and Ewes
Lambs and Ewes

May 2, 2023
Middleton Place Stable Yard, Charleston, SC

Twin Lambs and a Single

Last year the first one lamb at Middleton Place was born April 7th so I was somewhat surprised when I stopped by on Monday, March 14th and was told “any day now.” I didn’t get back until Thursday, to find a single had been born on Tuesday and a set of twins arrived just that morning.

Twin Lambs, Born March 17
Twin Lambs, Born March 17

The twins were finishing up feeding when I got there and almost immediately collapsed into sleep.

Twin Lambs, Born March 17
Twin Lambs, Born March 17

The older one was more adventurous, spending some time under the shelter.

Single Lamb, Born March 15
Single Lamb, Born March 15

Then she checked out her new mates.

Single Lamb Checking Out The Twins
Single Lamb Checking Out The Twins

I look forward to photographing them as they grow, and hopefully in better light.

Single Lamb
Single Lamb

The twins having a look around.

Twin Lambs and Mama
Twin Lambs and Mama

Middleton Place BarnYard, Charleston, SC
March 17, 2022


Lambs On The Run

I arrived at Middleton Place this morning just as the flock of Gulf Coast Sheep was to be let out of their pen.

Flock of Sheep Coming Out of Pen
Flock of Sheep Coming Out of Pen

Yesterday was the first time the lambs had been allowed to roam so this was their second trip out into the big world.

Lambs, Second Time Out of Their Pen
Lambs, Second Time Out of Their Pen

The lambs were all in on the adventure, following along, zooming ahead and just having fun.

Lambs and Ewe, Second Time Out of Their Pen
Lambs and Ewe, Second Time Out of Their Pen

There are seven lambs belonging to four mothers, one single, three sets of doubles.

Three Little Lambs, 3

I’ve now taken hundreds of pictures of the three little lambs investigating their world; here’s a selection from April 21st.

Three Lambs
Three Lambs

The moms know it is almost feeding time; the lambs — well two of them — have their interest piqued, too.

Three Lambs
Three Lambs

The lambs are now getting a share of their moms’ grain.

Three Lambs, Moms Eating Grain
Three Lambs, Moms Eating Grain

The lambs aren’t yet as diligent about getting their grain.

Lamb, Peaking Over Two Moms
Lamb, Peaking Over Two Moms

Just cute!



Single lamb was born on April 7th, and the set of twins was born April 9th.


Lambing Around

I visited the lambs at Middleton Place on April 17th and gave a chuckle when I saw this scene of the 9 day old cutie using snuggling up with mom.

Lamb Laying on Mother Ewe
Lamb Laying on Mother Ewe

A chuckle, not an outright laugh, because I could not spot the twin lamb.

Lamb Climbing on Mother Ewe
Lamb Climbing off Mother Ewe

After junior 1 settled on the ground for another nap I could just see another white tuft behind mom. Phew!

Lamb Using Mother Ewe As Pillow
Lamb Using Mother Ewe As Pillow

Junior 2 had been nestled in on mom’s other side.

Twin Lambs
Twin Lambs

She took a little stroll and it wasn’t long before they both hopped up to join her.

Twin Lambs and Ewe
Twin Lambs and Ewe

Three Little Lambs, 1

I’ve made numerous trips to see the sheep at Middleton Place over the last couple weeks, looking forward to the arrival of some lambs. April 5th was the official day the barnyard workers were giving for the four pregnant sheep in their care to deliver.

Finally, on April 9th, I found three lambs: one had been born on April 7th, and a set of twins had been born that morning.

Two Lambs with their Mothers
Two Lambs with their Mothers

The three lambs were pretty active and getting them all in one shot wasn’t happening. Notice the extra curly textured coat on the lamb on the right.

Two Newborn Lambs
Two Newborn Lambs

The families have been given a pen of their own, where they’ll stay for a few weeks. The rest of the flock spends nights in the pen on the left and days free-roaming the property; the Cashmere Goats are to the right.

Three Newborn Lambs
Three Newborn Lambs

The little ones mostly followed their own mother, legs a bit wobbly.

Newborn Lamb At Mother's Side
Newborn Lamb At Mother’s Side

They were also a bit curious about the humans watching them.

Newborn Lamb
Newborn Lamb