Tag Archives: Loggerhead Turtle

Loggerhead Turtle Hatchling

Ted and I went on a fundraising / educational trip to Bulls Island to promote the Loggerhead Turtle nesting spearheaded by the Coastal Expeditions Foundation. Money and citizen knowledge are two things that are helping these turtles successfully nest in Cape Romain.

We were treated to an amazing and unexpected experience when one of the wildlife technicians that monitors the nests released five hatchlings that had fallen behind their nest mates. I waded into the water for a unique view, but not standing still as the sand shifted beneath my feet.

Loggerhead Turtle Hatchling Going Into Ocean
Loggerhead Turtle Hatchling Going Into Ocean – about 2 inches (5 cm) long

Loggerhead Turtle Hatchling Going Into Ocean
Loggerhead Turtle Hatchling Going Into Ocean

Loggerhead Turtle Hatchling Going Into Ocean
Loggerhead Turtle Hatchling Going Into Ocean

The next wave swept him away and I got one shot of him paddling off.

Loggerhead Turtle Hatchling In Ocean
Loggerhead Turtle Hatchling In Ocean

Bulls Island, Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, SC
July 24, 2022

From Coastal Expeditions Foundation:

Protecting Sea Turtles in Cape Romain NWR

Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge is the most significant nesting site north of Florida on the Eastern seaboard. Over 3000 nests are laid on the barrier island beaches of this refuge each summer, and it takes a legion of volunteers and two wildlife technicians to handle the task of protecting and categorizing every loggerhead nest.

Every year, this program needs to be fully funded from outside donations and grants to pay for the seasonal salaries of two wildlife technicians and two interns. The Coastal Expeditions Foundation handles this $50,000 commitment through fundraisers and grass roots donations.

Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge

Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, extending 22 miles along the South Carolina Coast, is a rich mosaic of barrier islands with forest and ponds, vast salt marshes and intricate waterways. This diverse and dynamic system supports over 293 bird species and a myriad of other wildlife. Over fifty percent of refuge lands are designated a Class I National Wilderness Area.