Tag Archives: Shore Bird

American Avocet Flyby

I was quite surprised to see two American Avocet flying by at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens last week. The big rice field pond has been drained in preparation for repairs and a controlled burn and all sorts of water birds have stopped by.

American Avocet Flying By
American Avocet Flying By

The Avocet are one of my favorite birds with their understated color scheme, graceful posture and elegant beak.

American Avocet Flying By
American Avocet Flying By

The pair looped around me twice but I didn’t get them in the same frame again.

American Avocet Flying By
American Avocet Flying By

And I didn’t see where they landed, or if they just continued on their way.

American Avocet Flying By
American Avocet Flying By

Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, Charleston, SC
November 3, 2022

Sanderling Party

A small flock of Sanderlings seemed at rest…

Sanderlings at Rest
Sanderlings at Rest

…then they set off at full speed at some hidden signal.

Sanderlings on the Move
Sanderlings on the Move

Racing the surf, they always make me smile with their zippy trot.

Sanderlings on the Move
Sanderlings on the Move

They had places to go, but not so urgent they needed to fly.

Sanderlings on the Move
Sanderlings on the Move

Folly Beach, SC
September 19, 2022

Dance of Light

Working with images that have sparkly water is a challenge and I don’t take nearly as many as I used to, knowing they’ll likely get deleted.

Ruddy Turnstones on Sand Bar
Ruddy Turnstones on Sand Bar

This day on our water trip to see the baby pelicans our captain commented how he always liked to see the sparkles, and how the light dance on the water appealed to him.

Ruddy Turnstones on Sand Bar
Ruddy Turnstones on Sand Bar

A pair of Ruddy Turnstones on a just exposed sandbar gave me a bit of a subject so I took a few shots.

Ruddy Turnstones on Sand Bar
Ruddy Turnstones on Sand Bar

A little further on a clump of grass growing from another sandbar caught my eye.

Grass Isle in Sparkly Water
Grass Isle in Sparkly Water

Kiawah River
June 2, 2022

Nesting Oystercatcher

American Oystercatchers make “divot” nests, basically a depression in the ground which in this case was a mound of shells.

Oystercatcher on Nest
Oystercatcher on Nest

While one adult sat on the nest the other paced around…

Oystercatcher on Nest, Mate on Walkabout
Oystercatcher on Nest, Mate on Walkabout

…what else is there to do until the young hatch?

Oystercatcher on Walkabout
Oystercatcher on Walkabout

I didn’t get a very good picture of the overall scene, but this gives you an idea of how vulnerable these birds are.

Oystercatcher on Nest, Mate on Walkabout
Oystercatcher on Nest, Mate on Walkabout

Marsh edge of Kiawah River, SC
June 1, 2022

Black-necked Stilt Fly-by

A pair of Black-necked Stilts swooped on by me as I stood on a dike at Orlando Wetlands.

Pair of Black-necked Stilts in Flight
Pair of Black-necked Stilts in Flight

Often described as “stately” due to their color scheme and long legs, they are also elegant flyers.

Pair of Black-necked Stilts in Flight
Pair of Black-necked Stilts in Flight

And fly they did, right on to the other side of this impoundment.

Pair of Black-necked Stilts in Flight
Pair of Black-necked Stilts in Flight

April 10, 2022