Tag Archives: Summer

Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo

We read some tips on taking photos through fences and headed out to the zoo in Bridgeport to try our hand at some different wildlife.

The Amur Tiger and Amur Leopard are both part of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ (AZA) Species Survival Plan, where endangered animals are part of a captive breeding program to help ensure their survival.

The zoo is home to a number of un-releasable birds, including this Bald Eagle and Barn Owl. Both quite distinctive, Guinea Fowl  and Peafowl roam free around the zoo grounds.

Click on any photo for a larger view or slide show. 

A fast approaching thunderstorm shortened our visit so we’ll have to go back to see the Toucan, Ocelot, and the not yet open Pampas Plains exhibit that was having some finishing touches worked on the day we were there.


Classic Chrome

The sparkle and shine on a car can prove to be a photography problem, especially on a sunny day.  Reflections of the clouds, other passers by, and the photographer appear in every shiny detail.


The 2015 Middletown Cruise on Main was a great opportunity to learn how to navigate some of the challenges. Some photos with too much glare just can’t be corrected.


Leaning inside a car (NO TOUCHING ALLOWED) was one option, which is how I got this image that shouted out  “The Jetsons” to me. Their theme song is now stuck in my head along with a vision of George zooming home from Spacely Space Sprockets above the ground in his  aerocar.


Leaning in the open window also got me this fabulous console and the bonus fuzzy dice.


Sometimes the reflection makes an opportunity.


According to the Middletown Press thousands of spectators turned out to see the cars this gorgeous May evening. Going early turned out to be a great idea; the crowd thickened as darkness approached. I waited quite awhile to get this hood ornament.


This was a fun event that we’ll put on the calendar for next year.

Meadow Walk

A Bluebird invited us to “come on in” as he flitted off into the meadow at the entrance to the Audubon Center at Bent of the River in Southbury.

Butterflies proved elusive  as they examined the blooming milkweed, with seemingly random flight patterns.

We were last here in March when there was a foot of snow on the ground. On Sunday the meadow was overrun with flowers reaching for the sun.





The Road Unintended

We seldom leave the house without a destination in mind. Mindful of the holiday traffic, today we headed south with a plan to cross the Connecticut River on the East Haddam Bridge then poke around headed towards Lyme.

As we were approaching the bridge cars were stopped ahead of us with the gate signaling that the swing bridge was about to open or close. The line of cars was short so we were able to turn into Eagle Landing State Park hoping to get some shots.

The East Haddam Swing Bridge is a steel, movable truss bridge composed of two main spans crossing the Connecticut River between Haddam, Connecticut and East Haddam, Connecticut.

The bridge was just opening as we parked. After two boats passed through and the bridge closed we strolled down the park. We spotted the Osprey who reside on top of the moving portion of the bridge on the community funded platform.

Nesting platform on the brige.

Other small birds were hanging around.

Resting on a rope railing
Resting on a rope railing

The Becky Thatcher headed north which could only mean that the Essex Steam Train would be coming into Deep River Landing to swap passengers.

The Becky Thatcher

We jumped in the car and made it to Deep River Landing well ahead of the train.

Click on any photo for larger view.

A little further south we saw the train again as it passed Pratt Cove.


Lyme will have to wait for another day.

Classic Cars

I’m not that interested in cars, but the Middletown Cruise on Main was a great photo-op. The name of the event is a mis-nomer as the cars don’t cruise anywhere except their trip to get there. Main Street is closed to vehicle traffic for about a half mile then the classic cars fill it up–four wide much of the way and in most of the on street parking spots.

Spectators are then free to walk around the cars, oohing and ahhing, the air filled with “I always wanted one of those!” and “I remember when…”.

Full view shots were not possible on most of the cars so I focused on the wonderful car names and logos of days gone by. There was a wide range of colors with the aquamarines and yellows catching my eye and the “MercOMatic” takes my award for best name.

Click on any photo to see larger or open slide show.