Tag Archives: Camellia

Bee In Red Camellia

This hefty red Camellia was at a nice height for me to spot a bee on a pollen gathering mission.

Bee In Camellia
Bee in Center of Red Camellia

The sun created some interesting shadows…

Bee in Center of Red Camellia
Bee in Center of Red Camellia

…while the bee checked every side of the tightly bunched filaments.

Bee in Center of Red Camellia
Bee in Center of Red Camellia

The bee climbed his way out of the flower before taking off.

Bee Crawling Out of Red Camellia
Bee Crawling Out of Red Camellia

Another bee quickly took the prime spot in this bloom.

Bee In Camellia
Bee In Camellia

February 2, 2024

Fall Colors, An October Wander

Small bits of color attracted me on an October walk around Magnolia Plantation and Gardens with my 180mm Macro lens.

Yellow Flower in Front of Pink
Yellow Flower in Front of Pink

Viewing a Magnolia seed pod at eye level reveals texture, color, and some intrigue as the red seeds were beginning to appear.

Magnolia Seed Pod

Early Camellias had bloomed, this one with a robust center.

Camelia Center
Camellia Center

Yet another single swamp sunflower bloom that I couldn’t resist.

Swamp Sunflower
Swamp Sunflower

Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, Charleston, SC
October 12, 2021