Tag Archives: Green Anole

Anole on Trumpet Vine Pod

I seem to be seeing Green Anoles everywhere lately, and climbing on all sorts of things.

Green Anole
Green Anole

This dried pod is from last year’s Trumpet Vine which surprisingly hasn’t popped open.

Green Anole
Green Anole

The Anole was showing off his Dewlap, also known as a throat fan. They do this to attract mates and to establish their territory, alerting an intruding male that he’s gone to far.

Green Anole
Green Anole

Broken Tail On A Tail

I spotted this Green Anole with a broken off tail perched on a dried cat tail flower head at the swamp.

Carolina Anole with Broken Tail
Carolina Anole with Broken Tail

Anoles can regrow at least part of a lost tail but it is not of the same design.

Carolina Anole with Broken Tail
Carolina Anole with Broken Tail

The original tail has small bones while the replacement is cartilage, probably affecting its flexibility. Somehow they make do.

Carolina Anole with Broken Tail
Carolina Anole with Broken Tail