Tag Archives: Tung Oil

Tung Oil Tree Blooms

I’ve recently revisited two of the Tung Oil Trees I know of at Magnolia Plantation.  The trees themselves didn’t look so healthy and not as full of blossoms as previous years. The blooms are pretty spectacular.

Tung Oil Blossoms
Tung Oil Blossoms, Tree by the Cabins, March 17
Tung Oil Blossoms
Tung Oil Blossoms, Tree by the entrance, March 21
Tung Oil Blossoms
Tung Oil Blossoms with nut that didn’t fall, Tree by the entrance, March 21
Tung Oil Blossoms
Tung Oil Blossoms, Tree by the entrance, March 21

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, Charleston, SC
March 17 and 21, 2024

Cabins at Magnolia Plantation & Gardens

The sun was working its way up, lighting up this wisteria bloom, though not yet reaching the grounds around the cabins.

Wisteria at Cabins
Wisteria at Cabins

These cabins housed enslaved workers when Magnolia was a working rice plantation and are now part of the “From Slavery to Freedom”  tour.

Tung and Half Moon at Cabins
Tung Oil Blossoms, Half Moon at Cabins

This smaller building was likely used for cooking.

Kitchen Building
Kitchen Building

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, Charleston, SC
March 14, 2023

Tung Oil Tree In Bloom

From a distance I thought these white blossoms were dogwood.

Tung Oil Tree
Tung Oil Tree and Wisteria

As much as I like dogwood, I was happily surprised as I got closer to find that it was a Tung Oil tree.

Tung Oil Tree Blossoms
Tung Oil Tree Blossoms

How could you not love these gorgeous blossoms? Although some of the shine came off when I discovered it is non-native and invasive in the gulf coast states where it was grown as a cash crop in the early 1900s.

Tung Oil Tree Blossoms
Tung Oil Tree Blossoms

These blossoms will produce fruits with seeds that are the source of tung oil (tungoil). The oil is used for manufacturing varnishes and paints, and as a waterproofing agent for linoleum and oilcloth. Unfortunately, all parts of the plant are toxic to livestock and humans.

Tung Oil Tree Blossoms
Tung Oil Tree Blossoms

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, Charleston, SC
March 12, 2023