Tag Archives: Magnolia Plantation

The Long White Bridge, Backside In Winter

Spanish Moss is beautiful, but it can be very harsh looking in winter when there are fewer leaves to  absorb or reflect some of the light.

Here, I gave the view of the back of the Long White Bridge a nostalgic treatment to tone the light down a bit.

The Long White Bridge, Backside
The Long White Bridge, Backside

Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, Charleston, SC
January 25, 2024

Cabins at Magnolia Plantation & Gardens

The sun was working its way up, lighting up this wisteria bloom, though not yet reaching the grounds around the cabins.

Wisteria at Cabins
Wisteria at Cabins

These cabins housed enslaved workers when Magnolia was a working rice plantation and are now part of the “From Slavery to Freedom”  tour.

Tung and Half Moon at Cabins
Tung Oil Blossoms, Half Moon at Cabins

This smaller building was likely used for cooking.

Kitchen Building
Kitchen Building

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, Charleston, SC
March 14, 2023

Plantation House at Magnolia Plantation & Gardens

The view across the big field of the Plantation House. Previous visitors to this location may notice that the hedge to the right of the house and the English boxed garden in front of the house have been removed.

Plantation House at Magnolia Plantation & Gardens
Plantation House at Magnolia Plantation & Gardens

Another view taken a few days later, on a grey afternoon, image cooked up just a bit.

Plantation House
Plantation House

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, Charleston, SC
March 11 & 13, 2023

Boat Pond Maintenance, False Start

Conditions were right on Wednesday for the fire to be set in the Boat Pond at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens to help manage the invading cattails and other reeds. Unfortunately it started to rain before the burn was complete so there will be another session. This morning the perimeter trail was still closed so I couldn’t really see what has happened.

This is what it looked like in September, before the water was drained.

Boat Pond, Choked With Cattails and Reeds
Boat Pond, Choked With Cattails and Reeds
Channel Around Boat Pond
Channel Around Boat Pond
Alligator in Boat Pond Channel
Alligator in Boat Pond Channel

This river-side pond was created as a rice cultivation field, probably in the 1700s. It’s referred to as the Boat Pond because Magnolia offers nature tours by boat around the pond. The channel seen in the second image was dredged and widened three or four years ago.