Female Belted Kingfisher on Spoonie Tree

Empty Spoonie Tree and Belted Kingfisher

We didn’t see much for birds on Saturday at Donnelley Wildlife Management Area. The Spoonie Tree, so named because Roseate Spoonbills like to perch in it when they are around, had no birds when we arrived.

The Spoonie Tree, No Occupants
The Spoonie Tree, No Occupants

The elusive Kingfisher was in her usual spot on the water control trunk.

Female Belted Kingfisher on Water Control Trunk
Female Belted Kingfisher on Water Control Trunk

However, she relocated to the Spoonie Tree when she noticed us.

Female Belted Kingfisher on Spoonie Tree
Female Belted Kingfisher on Spoonie Tree

A wider view of the Spoonie Tree’s spot in the marsh.

Female Belted Kingfisher on Spoonie Tree
Female Belted Kingfisher on Spoonie Tree

Donnelley Wildlife Management Area, SC
October 21, 2023

3 thoughts on “Empty Spoonie Tree and Belted Kingfisher”

  1. lol. I also got some shots of a female kingfisher sitting on a distant branch this past week. She was digesting so she didn’t fly off for the longest time. Just wish she was a little bit closer.😉

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