Tag Archives: Alligator

Wood Storks and More

These wading birds were feeding in a newly lowered pond. This results in the fish becoming concentrated in a smaller and smaller amount of water and easy feeding for a wading bird. It’s fascinating to watch the feeding but can be difficult to get images of individual birds.

Wading Birds Feeding
Wading Birds Feeding: Wood Storks, Great Egrets, Roseate Spoonbills

Eventually some of the birds got sated and flew off. A few more moved to the outer edge of the feeding, allowing for some isolated images.

Great Egret, Wood Stork, American Alligator
Great Egret, Wood Stork, American Alligator

There was a little breeze so the reflections weren’t perfect.

Wood Storks Feeding
Wood Storks Feeding

The Alligators didn’t appear to be hungry as at least a dozen of them were just floating around in between the birds.

Wood Storks Feeding, Alligator On The Scene
Wood Storks Feeding, Alligator On The Scene

If I couldn’t have dead calm for reflections I’d have been happier with a stiff breeze as the gnats were out in force that morning.

Wood Storks Feeding
Wood Storks Feeding

Donnelley Wildlife Management Area, SC
April 2, 2023

American Alligator On A Walk

I first spotted this Alligator laying on the lawn between the Mill Pond and Butterfly Lakes at Middleton Place. I didn’t take his picture; it was a scene I’ve photographed many times.

Then he decided to take a walk–now that’s a bit different.

American Alligator Walking on Lawn
American Alligator Walking on Lawn

He crossed the lawn, dropped into the small pond closest to the rice field. I had taken a longer route, not really expecting to see him again, and arrived here just as he climbed out on the other side.

American Alligator Climbing Out of Pond
American Alligator Climbing Out of Pond

He ducked back into the water when he spotted me; I passed by and waited.

American Alligator Walking
American Alligator Walking

The Alligator continued his trek at a slow, steady pace…across the pedestrian path…

American Alligator Walking
American Alligator Walking

…across another small lawn…

American Alligator Walking
American Alligator Walking

…then into the rice field pond he went.

American Alligator Going Into Pond
American Alligator Going Into Pond

Middleton Place, Charleston, SC
April 6, 2023

Alligator In The Knees

…and showing off his teeth.

Young Alligator, about 4 feet long ( 1.25 Meters)

Alligators will crawl out of the water and just plop down about anywhere, seemingly without a plan, even wound around some cypress knees.

Alligator – working on temperature regulation with his mouth open

Don’t believe anyone who tells you that Alligators aren’t active in the winter. It was a warm day, feeling like spring but still the middle of winter.

He just laid there as I was watching this pile of Yellow-bellied Sliders.

Yellow-bellied Sliders
Yellow-bellied Sliders

Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, Charleston, SC
February 1, 2023

Pile O’Reptiles: Turtles and Alligators

This spot is a favorite for alligators and turtles, and at certain times of the year the light is perfect for reflections. I see parts of four Alligators and two Turtles, one facing the camera and one away, tucked under the left most Alligator.

Alligators and Yellow-bellied Sliders
Alligators and Yellow-bellied Sliders

I was focusing on the draped Alligator arm and didn’t see the turtle peeking up over the top until I was processing my photos.

Alligators and Yellow-bellied Sliders
Alligators and Yellow-bellied Sliders

The last photo was taken about 90 minutes later, the sun had just gone down so not much light. There hadn’t been much movement in the pile.

Alligators and Yellow-bellied Sliders
Alligators and Yellow-bellied Sliders

Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, Charleston, SC
December 12, 2022

Alligator and Yellow-bellied Sliders

Late on a warm November afternoon Alligators and Yellow-bellied Sliders were hanging out on the alligator ramps.

Alligator and Yellow-bellied Slider
Alligator and Yellow-bellied Slider

A touch of fall foliage reflected in the water.

Alligator and Yellow-bellied Slider
Alligator and Yellow-bellied Slider

A wider view at a different angle shows the alligator ramp from the first image, with another one a bit further to the left.

Alligator and Yellow-bellied Slider
Alligator and Yellow-bellied Slider

Ravenswood Pond
Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, Charleston, SC
November 28, 2022

Gallinule Passing By

A few Common Gallinules were walking around in this shallow water at the edge of a pond, quietly minding their own business.

Common Gallinule and Alligator
Common Gallinule and Alligator

Gallinules are known for making a vocal fuss, but while I was watching this scene they were quiet.

Common Gallinule and Alligators
Common Gallinule and Alligators

Hard to say if Alligators pay any attention to when birds vocalize; I’ve seen them respond to movement around them but not just noise.

Common Gallinule and Alligators
Common Gallinule and Alligators

These Alligators never moved.


Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, Charleston, SC
October 24, 2022

Alligators Everywhere

The Alligators took advantage of the exposed mud as water drained out of the the big rice field pond.

And they found their way into a number of my wading bird images.

Wading Birds and Alligators
Wading Birds and Alligators
Wading Birds and Alligators
Wading Birds and Alligators
Snowy Egret Flying By Alligator
Snowy Egret Flying By Alligator

A wider view of the interior of the pond–all of those reeds are due to be burned off as soon as wind conditions are right.

Wading Birds and Alligator
Wading Birds and Alligator, The Alligator’s crawl path zigzagging across the mud

Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, Charleston, SC
October 24, 2022

Everyone Has A Spot

The Snowy Egret and the Spoonbill took a break from harassing each other while the Great Egret was doing his own thing.

The Spoonie Tree:
The Spoonie Tree: Snowy Egret Roseate Spoonbill and Great Egret, Alligators at the base

A closer look at the Alligators: it was warming up and they were looking for sunny spots out of the water.

Alligators Below the Spoonie Tree
Alligators Below the Spoonie Tree

Donnelley Wildlife Management Area, SC
October 16, 2022