Tag Archives: Swamp

White Ibis in Swamp

This section of swamp is newly flooded this year. A small flock of Ibis has added it to their route, poking their way around it looking for food.

White Ibis in Swamp
White Ibis in Swamp

Ibis are never concerned about swamp junk getting stuck to them or how deep the water might be.

White Ibis in Swamp
White Ibis in Swamp

Here I come…

White Ibis in Swamp
White Ibis in Swamp

surely there is something to eat under this log.

White Ibis in Swamp
White Ibis in Swamp

Magnolia Plantation and Gardens announced today that they are now closed until further notice. I will miss my peaceful walks in the woods and keeping up with the birds.

Delicate Swamp Things *Spider Alert*

These spiders have webs all along the trails around the Audubon Swamp Garden at Magnolia Plantation. During our visit June 26th there was a lot of mating activity. Look closely in this photo and you will see the much smaller black male on this side of the more colorful female. An exoskeleton she recently shed  is stuck in the web just above them.


(Click any photo to enlarge.)

Our guide on the walk says these spiders won’t jump out onto human passers by. I reminded myself of that a few times as we passed under some webs. We’ll return in a few weeks and see how family life is progressing.


In the mean time the pond surfaces were active with dragonflies in a variety of colors scooping up other insects.


Spider lilies didn’t seem to mind the heat with their roots in several inches of water.