Tag Archives: Long White Bridge

Update 5: Long White Bridge, Magnolia Plantation and Gardens

I ended my last Long White Bridge update with:

Foot traffic was still not allowed on the bridge. I expect the sides will have a railing along the top and there will be caps on the posts, both in black.

Thursday this week was a sunny day and I went back to check on progress. The holiday decorations have been removed, the caps are in place, no black painting has been done, and visitors are still blocked from crossing the bridge.

Long White Bridge
Long White Bridge

I pretty quickly got distracted by a Great Blue Heron posing on the new railing.

Great Blue Heron on Long White Bridge
Great Blue Heron on Long White Bridge

A few minutes later a Little Blue Heron decided to check out the new view, too.

Great Blue Heron and Little Blue Heron on Long White Bridge
Great Blue Heron and Little Blue Heron on Long White Bridge

Surprisingly the Little Blue flew even closer to the GBH.

Great Blue Heron and Little Blue Heron on Long White Bridge
Great Blue Heron and Little Blue Heron on Long White Bridge

Even more surprisingly the LBH  struck the same pose as the GBH, who never moved.

Great Blue Heron and Little Blue Heron on Long White Bridge
Great Blue Heron and Little Blue Heron on Long White Bridge

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, Charleston, SC
January 28, 2021

The Long White Bridge at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens which was  severely damaged by a falling maple tree on July 7, 2020.

My other photos of the  Long White Bridge

Update 4: Long White Bridge, Magnolia Plantation and Gardens

I returned to the Long White Bridge twice the first week in January to find that at the end of December the lattice side work had been completed and the bridge decorated with pine rope garland.

Long White Bridge
Long White Bridge, Great Blue Heron

Foot traffic was still not allowed on the bridge. I expect the sides will have a railing along the top and there will be caps on the posts, both in black.

Long White Bridge
Long White Bridge, Pine Garland Decoration

Wintertime Spanish Moss when there is no other color to reflect in the water makes a harsh image. I’m hoping any vegetation damaged by the falling tree and repair work will rebound as we move into spring.

Long White Bridge
Long White Bridge

The Great Blue Heron took flight, getting awfully close to the bridge before he lifted up and over.

Great Blue Heron Flying to Long White Bridge
Great Blue Heron Flying to Long White Bridge

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, Charleston, SC
January 4, 2021

The Long White Bridge at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens which was  severely damaged by a falling maple tree on July 7, 2020.

My other photos of the  Long White Bridge

Update 4: Lattice Work

I returned to the Long White Bridge at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens on Monday to find the lattice work being attached.

Long White Bridge, Partial Lattice Work Installed
Long White Bridge, Partial Lattice Work Installed

Installation had been completed about three quarters of the way across on the front side of the bridge.

Long White Bridge, Partial Lattice Work Installed
Long White Bridge, Partial Lattice Work Installed

Two workmen were lining up and attaching supports for the next section of lattice.

Long White Bridge, Edgework
Long White Bridge, Edgework

The Cherub will  be more difficult to photograph through the bridge when the other side of lattice is added.

Long White Bridge, Cherub Statue Through Lattice
Long White Bridge, Cherub Statue Through Lattice

This is a view from the back side of the bridge with three Alligators in the water in the lower right.

Long White Bridge, Partial Lattice Work Installed, Alligators in Water
Long White Bridge, Partial Lattice Work Installed, Alligators in Water

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, Charleston, SC
December 21, 2020

My other photos of the  Long White Bridge

Update 3C: Long White Bridge, From Gazebo

Obvious progress on repairs to the Long White Bridge at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens has been slow.  These images are from November 6th, the last time I had enough light when I passed by to capture some images.

Update 3A: Long White Bridge, Magnolia Plantation and Gardens

Update 3B: Long White Bridge, Supervisor

These views of the bridge under construction were taken from the lawn gazebo.

Long White Bridge, From Gazebo
Long White Bridge, From Gazebo

The tree that fell and destroyed the bridge was on the far side of the left end. Somehow the cherub statue was spared.

Long White Bridge, From Gazebo
Long White Bridge, From Gazebo

The gazebo is metal, recently re-painted gaging by the brightness of the white.

Long White Bridge, From Gazebo
Long White Bridge, From Gazebo

A few late blooming azaleas provide a bit of color under the Spanish Moss draped  Crepe Myrtle.

Long White Bridge, From Gazebo
Long White Bridge, From Gazebo

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, Charleston, SC
November 6, 2020

My other photos of the  Long White Bridge

Update 3B: Long White Bridge, Supervisor

Obvious progress on repairs to the Long White Bridge at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens has been slow.  These images are from November 6th, the last time I had enough light when I passed by to capture some images.

Yesterday’s post: Update 3A: Long White Bridge, Magnolia Plantation and Gardens


A Little Blue Heron flew onto the bridge and seemed to have a proprietary air, at the least a stake in how the job is proceeding.

Little Blue Heron on Long White Bridge
Little Blue Heron on Long White Bridge

The heron wasn’t in any hurry; I was able to change lenses and get to the other side of the bridge.

Little Blue Heron on Long White Bridge
Little Blue Heron on Long White Bridge

What’s up there?

Little Blue Heron on Long White Bridge
Little Blue Heron on Long White Bridge

I moved along to take some images of the gazebo and  was surprised the Little Blue Heron was still on the bridge.

Little Blue Heron on Long White Bridge, From Gazebo
Little Blue Heron on Long White Bridge, From Gazebo

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, Charleston, SC
November 6, 2020

My other photos of the  Long White Bridge

Update 3A: Long White Bridge, Magnolia Plantation and Gardens

Obvious progress on repairs to the Long White Bridge at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens has been slow.  These images are from November 6th, the last time I had enough light when I passed by to capture some images.

Long White Bridge, Under Repair
Long White Bridge, Under Repair

The supports for the bridge sides have been added, and painted white.

Long White Bridge, Under Repair
Long White Bridge, Under Repair

Late blooming Azaleas give a hint of one of the sought after views of the bridge, especially with brides and recently wed couples posed in the middle. You’ll have to imagine the criss-crossed bridge sides in place for now.

Long White Bridge Across Azaleas
Long White Bridge Across Azaleas

Unfortunately those Azaleas were only blooming on the side away from the pond and there was no pink water reflection to be had.

Long White Bridge From End of Pond
Long White Bridge From End of Pond

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, Charleston, SC
November 6, 2020

The Long White Bridge at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens which was  severely damaged by a falling maple tree on July 7, 2020.

My other photos of the  Long White Bridge

Update 2: Long White Bridge, Magnolia Plantation and Gardens

Progress is being made on repairs to the Long White Bridge at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens which was  severely damaged by a falling maple tree on July 7.

Long White Bridge
Long White Bridge, Back side, planking in place for repair access

Some of the safety barricades that were in place on my last Update have been re-positioned which allowed a closer look when I was there on August 20.

Long White Bridge
Long White Bridge, Front side, Reflections

A garden cherub is supervising the whole process, but couldn’t tell me what this yellow thing is.

Long White Bridge
Long White Bridge, old and new

The maple tree that fell was at the far left, on the other side of the bridge. That end of the bridge sustained the most damage, but cracking of the fascia and decking, along with the support framing went the  length of the structure, leading to a major overhaul.

Long White Bridge
Long White Bridge, Front side

The view through the gazebo is not as dramatic without the white bridge; a few long blooming Azaleas spiff up the lawn. I look forward to taking a similar shot when the repairs are complete.

Long White Bridge
Long White Bridge, through the Gazebo

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, Charleston, SC
August 20, 2020

My other photos of the  Long White Bridge

Update: Long White Bridge, Magnolia Plantation and Gardens

Yesterday I went to Magnolia Plantation and Gardens for the first time since the Long White Bridge was damaged on July 7.

In an email update today Magnolia said that “during an inspection on Thursday morning, July 8 that the hard realities were revealed.”

“Decking boards were pulled up. Upright posts with railing and lattice detail were analyzed. Copper sheeting for waterproofing under the deck and 100 years of assorted hardware, straps and layers of wood structure were exposed. On that brilliant morning, the bridge showed every one of its 180 years of age.”

Two South Carolina companies have joined forces to recreate the bridge: one that specialize in old growth wide planks and slabs, including recovery of old growth sinker cypress and heart pine and another that custom mills lumber products.

Long White Bridge
Long White Bridge

A Little Blue Heron, just visible in the lower left corner, had the best view of the exposed bridge structure.

Long White Bridge
Long White Bridge

Access to the immediate area of the bridge is restricted for safety, limiting what you can see. Enlarge this close up for more detail on the condition and how the bridge was put together in the 1840s.

Long White Bridge
Detail of Long White Bridge

Amazingly, Magnolia Plantation & Gardens reports that no one heard or saw the tree that landed on the bridge come down.

“At 6:00 PM, the bridge was whole. At 8:00 PM, more than forty percent of the railing was in pieces and the structure was torqued in both the vertical and horizontal planes.”

View from the back side of the bridge, with a temporary structure for worker access. Remember, there are Alligators in this water!

Long White Bridge
Long White Bridge, Back Side

The next image is a similar view that I took in March.

Long White Bridge, March 2020
Long White Bridge, Back Side, March  16, 2020

This small replica of the bridge was the centerpiece of a display at the United States Botanic Garden in Washington DC for their 2019 Gardens Across America exhibit.

Replica of Long White Bridge
Replica of Long White Bridge

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, Charleston, SC
July 30, 2020

Quotes from Magnolia Plantation & Gardens public email and Facebook page, July 31, 2020

My other photos of the  Long White Bridge

Long White Bridge, Magnolia Plantation and Gardens

I’ve taken hundreds of pictures of the Long White Bridge at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens over the last five years. Even when there isn’t anything extra going on, like blooming azaleas, a Great Blue Heron hunting, or a perfect reflection–it just calls out to be photographed.  I took this image the last time I was there, July 3rd.

Long White Bridge
Long White Bridge, Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, Charleston, SC

On Tuesday this week a large tree on the left end of the bridge came down on the bridge. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but there was extensive damage to the structure. The bridge dates to the 1840s and plans are underway to rebuild promptly and exactly as it was.

My other photos of the  Long White Bridge