Tag Archives: Long White Bridge

GBH at Long White Bridge

The azalea blooms have gone by but the Long White Bridge is still a big attraction at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens. On a recent afternoon this Great Blue Heron and I had the view to ourselves.

Great Blue Heron at Long White Bridge
Great Blue Heron at Long White Bridge

The heron slowly waded around the perimeter, creating a small ripple in the water. There was just enough breeze to move the entire surface of the water so no mirror-like reflections this time.

Great Blue Heron at Long White Bridge
Great Blue Heron at Long White Bridge

The Long White Bridge, 2019

Photographing this iconic spot at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens with Azaleas in bloom is all about timing. The flower blooms, the light, the stillness of the water, the absence of people on the bridge– all things we have no control over. It’s a lovely spot and I tend to take a few captures whenever I pass by, even if the flowers aren’t in bloom.

Long White Bridge and Azaleas
Long White Bridge and Azaleas

Taken 3/22/2019

The Long White Bridge April and June

A scene that includes the “Long White Bridge” at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens is hard to pass up no matter how many times I’ve taken it.

Long White Bridge at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens
Long White Bridge at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens – April 12
Sony Alpha 6500 with Sony 20mm lens, f 2.8

Neither of these shots, taken about eight weeks apart, have much for colorful flowers and there isn’t a bird in sight but the  reflections of the old trees in the still water intrigue me.

Long White Bridge at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens
Long White Bridge at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens – June 4
Sony Alpha 6500 with Sony 18-105mm lens, at 18mm, f 16

Click on the images for a larger view.