Tag Archives: Landscape

The Spoonie Tree, August 2023

I’ve been posting about the slow demise of the Spoonie Tree for a couple of years and remain amazed that it is still standing. I took this image on Sunday, before Hurricane Idalia passed by.

The Spoonie Tree, August 27, 2023
The Spoonie Tree, August 27, 2023, occupied by a Great Egret and a Belted Kingfisher

Compare that to this image, taken in April when the water had been let out of the pond. The main limbs are still there but some of the smaller branches are gone and more of the bark has dropped.

The Spoonie Tree, April 2, 2023
The Spoonie Tree, April 2, 2023

Donnelley Wildlife Management Area, SC

The Spoonie Tree, Slowly It Tilts, 2023 Update

I’ve been posting about the slow demise of the Spoonie Tree for a couple of years. I stopped by on a quiet day at the end of February.

The Spoonie Tree With Cormorants, February 28, 2023,
The Spoonie Tree With Cormorants, February 28, 2023

A few Double-crested Cormorants were the only birds around and the scenery was mostly brown.

The Spoonie Tree With Cormorants, February 28, 2023,
The Spoonie Tree With Cormorants, February 28, 2023

I was reminded I had taken those shots and not processed them when I was there last week. I was  rather surprised that none of the wading birds took a break from feeding in the name-sake Spoonie Tree.

The Spoonie Tree, April 2, 2023
The Spoonie Tree, April 2, 2023

Those that flew off after eating went into some trees further back in the pond.

The Spoonie Tree, April 2, 2023
The Spoonie Tree, April 2, 2023

The tree lost a branch, but it is mostly intact compared to this image from May 2022.

The Spoonie Tree, May 9, 2022
The Spoonie Tree, May 9, 2022, A Turkey Vulture and two Black Vultures

Donnelley Wildlife Management Area, SC

Cabins at Magnolia Plantation & Gardens

The sun was working its way up, lighting up this wisteria bloom, though not yet reaching the grounds around the cabins.

Wisteria at Cabins
Wisteria at Cabins

These cabins housed enslaved workers when Magnolia was a working rice plantation and are now part of the “From Slavery to Freedom”  tour.

Tung and Half Moon at Cabins
Tung Oil Blossoms, Half Moon at Cabins

This smaller building was likely used for cooking.

Kitchen Building
Kitchen Building

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, Charleston, SC
March 14, 2023

Plantation House at Magnolia Plantation & Gardens

The view across the big field of the Plantation House. Previous visitors to this location may notice that the hedge to the right of the house and the English boxed garden in front of the house have been removed.

Plantation House at Magnolia Plantation & Gardens
Plantation House at Magnolia Plantation & Gardens

Another view taken a few days later, on a grey afternoon, image cooked up just a bit.

Plantation House
Plantation House

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, Charleston, SC
March 11 & 13, 2023

Sun Rising Over Ashley River

The Ashley River was clear as glass on Friday morning, and the water didn’t appear to moving, as often happens around high tide. The water coming downstream, from the left in this first image, and the rising tide are equalizing.

Sun Rising Over Ashley River
Sun Rising Over Ashley River, Some Mist Rising Along the Bank

Looking upstream, this large Live Oak was dipping in the water.

Sun Rising Over Ashley River
Sun Rising Over Ashley River

I passed by that tree then looked back to the east to watch the sun’s rays through the Spanish Moss.

Sun Rising Over Ashley River
Sun Rising Over Ashley River Through A Live Oak

Ashley River From Magnolia Plantation, Charleston, SC
January 6, 2023

Consolidated from Wikipedia and Google: The Ashley River is a blackwater and tidal river, rising from the Wassamassaw and Great Cypress Swamps in western Berkeley County. It widens into a tidal estuary just south of Fort Dorchester, which was a colonial settlement. Colonial Dorchester State Historic Site is about 7 miles, as the crow flies, upriver from Magnolia Plantation and Gardens.