Tag Archives: Canon 100mm Macro

The Long White Bridge, Backside In Winter

Spanish Moss is beautiful, but it can be very harsh looking in winter when there are fewer leaves to  absorb or reflect some of the light.

Here, I gave the view of the back of the Long White Bridge a nostalgic treatment to tone the light down a bit.

The Long White Bridge, Backside
The Long White Bridge, Backside

Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, Charleston, SC
January 25, 2024

Great Blue Heron Nests, 100mm Lens

On Thursday I took only my Canon 100mm Macro lens to Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, planning on shooting flowers, not birds. That didn’t stop me from passing through the Ravenswood Pond Great Blue Heron rookery to see what was happening. And I got some scenic images of the nests.

Great Blue Heron Standing On Nest
Great Blue Heron Standing On Nest, A couple of White Ibis were in the lower branches

The “close tree” is occupied by one nesting pair in the top spot.

Great Blue Heron Standing On Nest
Great Blue Heron Standing On Nest

Out on the island there are at least four active GBH nests, with these three the most visible. The tree that hosted the nest with the best angles for viewing fell over sometime last fall.

Great Blue Heron Standing On Nest
Great Blue Heron Standing On Nest

Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, Charleston, SC
January 25, 2024

Morning Posies

Around Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, morning of June 16th.

I liked the imperfection at the top of this bloom.

Swamp Sunflower
Swamp Sunflower

A thistle, with such an interesting shape and so many textures.


I’ve always liked the alien look of the Button bush flowers, but they have taken on a new feel in the post-COVID world after we’ve seen so many magnified viruses.

Button Bush
Button Bush

Many of the older Magnolia trees don’t seem to have bloomed as well this year as I remember. This was a good specimen.

Magnolia Bloom

I don’t know what this is, but I do like it.

Pretty Pink Something
Pretty Pink Something

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, Charleston, SC
June 16, 2023

Big Frog–Is It Real

I wasn’t sure… I’d photographed around this statue before, mostly flowers and insects…could I have missed a frog as part of the installation?

Frog in Statue Pond
Frog in Statue Pond

I walked around this little pond several times…

Frog in Statue Pond
Frog in Statue Pond

…the frog never moved. The frog was not there when I went back yesterday to see the azaleas, so he must have been the real deal.

Frog in Statue Pond
Frog in Statue Pond

With only a 100mm lens with me I couldn’t get far enough away to get an image of the whole pond.

Heron Statue Pond
Heron Statue Pond

Middleton Place, Charleston, SC
February 15, 2023

Grasshopper on Pokeweed

The color of the pokeweed berries and stems were a nice contrast to this grasshopper.

Grasshopper on Pokeberry
Grasshopper on Pokeweed – Canon 100-400mm

The spiny structures on his back leg look like they mean business.

Grasshopper on Pokeberry
Grasshopper on Pokeweed – Canon 100-400mm

This last shot was taken with the Canon 100mm macro lens. I couldn’t get the angle I wanted with the available footing and the grasshopper never moved, so it is nearly the same image as above.

Grasshopper on Pokeberry
Grasshopper on Pokeweed – Canon 100 mm

Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, Charleston, SC
October 24, 2022

Grasshopper at the Swamp

The trail that runs along the edge of the swamp at Magnolia Plantation often offers some interesting peeks at the little creatures.

Grasshopper Silhouette
Grasshopper Silhouette, Canon 100-400mm

I tried to see him from the other side of the leaf, but he had moved along.

Grasshopper, Canon 100-400mm

Another shot with the 100mm macro lens.

Grasshopper, Canon 100mm Macro

The grasshopper had places to go.


Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, Charleston, SC
September 16, 2022